Where Whispers of Resilience Fight the Deluge: Free Verse Poem

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  • Post category:Poem
  • Reading time:8 mins read

How do you move on, when you can barely move?When your feet weigh a tonAnd you can't seem to stretch it beyond The circumference of pain and hurt.How do you see, with blurred vision ?When your sight is clouded by a pool of tearsThreatening to overflow it's brinks Like an avalanche in…

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We’ve Lost it: Didactic Poem

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  • Post category:Poem
  • Reading time:4 mins read

In a world lost and greatly confused,The truth is often misconstrued.Before us now are several gods,To choose from, all at our own accord.The creation is what we now worship,While the Creator, we reject His lordship.In a world heavily invaded,By lies and deceit, a gift from Hades,Our conscience we've hushed into…

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