How to learn Business as a New Entrepreneur


Congratulations on taking the exciting leap into entrepreneurship! Launching your own business can be an incredibly rewarding journey, but it also requires a strong foundation in business knowledge and skills. Whether you have a revolutionary product idea or a burning desire to be your boss, equipping yourself with the right business acumen is crucial for … Read more

If Only I Had told her: Episode 3: Hidden Challenges

Hidden Challenges

Episode 3: Hidden Challenges Jake and Emily’s relationship had always felt like a well-worn path, familiar and comforting. But as they ventured further into the territory of romance, they encountered unexpected obstacles that threatened to shake the foundation they had built. It began with small disagreements, trivial matters blown out of proportion by the weight … Read more

The Shape of Dreams: A Journey Through Imagination

The Shape of Dreams

The shape of dreams is ever-changing light,A dance of stars in velvet, endless night.It morphs with whispers, fleeting, soft and bright,A canvas painted with imagination’s might.The shape of dreams is like a boundless sea,Waves of wonder crest and fall so free.Each tide a tale, each current a decree,Of lands unseen where our true selves can … Read more