20 Best Apps & Tools For Studying And Exam Preparation

1. Evernote2. Quizlet3. Forest3. Grammarly4. Khan Academy5. Wolfram Alpha6. Trello7. Google Keep8. Anki9. Microsoft OneNote10. Pomodone11. Todoist12. Zotero13. Cold Turkey14. WolframAlpha15. Coursera16. SimpleMind17. ProWritingAid18. Mendeley19. Focus@Will20. Duolingo In the modern academic, technology has become an indispensable ally for students striving for success. As a counselor, I recognize the…

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Exam Preparation: How to Stay Motivated Part 1

  • Post author:
  • Post published:May 20, 2024
  • Post category:Motivation
  • Reading time:17 mins read

1. Set Clear, Achievable Goals in Exam Preparation2. Create a Study Schedule3. Use Active Learning Techniques4. Find Your Optimal Study Environment5. Stay Physically Active6. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle7. Use Positive Reinforcement8. Stay Connected with Supportive Peers9. Visualize Your Success10. Seek Professional Support if NeededWhat are effective strategies to…

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Dumb Career Mistakes to Avoid Now

Avoiding Common Career Mistakes: Top Mistakes to Steer Clear OfTop Early Career Mistakes to Steer Clear OfIs It Too Late to Change Careers in Your 30s? Absolutely, Not!Notable Influencers Who Changed Careers After 30Steps to Successfully Change Your Career in Your 30sInterview Blunders: What to Avoid for a…

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